Monday, 4 February 2008


Welcome to the Midwifery Education blog. I am looking forward to hearing about your thoughts and ideas about midwifery. In order to kick start some views, oppinions and thoughts what do you think about virtual midwifery? Would you like to be able to learn about midwifery in MUVE's (muli user virtual environments) for example second life? Anyone interested?


Carolyn said...

Well isn't this opportune. I am happy to meet someone who is following a similar line of inquiry to my own. Wondering if we could organise a meeting in your virtual space? I have at least one other colleague in New Zealand who is interested in being involved. Both of us are quite new to social networking and particularly to second life. It would be interesting to see what you have developed already and talk more about this. Hopefully others will be keen to join us.
Thanks for getting in touch. I was sure I was not the only person out there who was looking at the potentials of this for education.

Sarah Stewart said...

Hi Elinar, I am a close friend of Carolyn's and am also interested in SL so would love to keep in touch. Come and check out my blog and tell me what you think. cheers Sarah

Carolyn said...

Sorry to have taken so long getting back to you again Elinor. I am very interested in your SL space. Could I visit it sometime to have a look around? Would it be Ok to bring the group there also when we meet? It looks as though this might happen now on the weekend of the 1st 2nd of March. How is that for you? I am waiting to hear form people about how this suits. It might be difficult to please everyone though. Can you send me your SL name so that we can connect in SL?
I look forward to seeing you in SL.

Elinor Clarke said...

Oh - this is so exciting. I am really pleased that second life is taking off in New Zealand. Here in the UK there is a lot of activity and some mixed responses.The birthing centre is located on Coventry University Island in the Centre for Interporfessional e-learning bulding. It is currently being furnished and the pool should be arriving shortly! I will keep you posted.

Carolyn said...

Not sure you could say that second life is 'taking off' in New Zealand. Certainly in some areas of education there seems to be quite a lot of activity. In midwifery Sarah and I are exploring the possibilities. I would say there is a mixed response to this here in New Zealand also. Some are willing to explore and identify potential, others are not at all interested and do not wish to engage with the medium at all. If people are not wiling to engage with virtual worked then the potential may well be limited. Interesting things for us to discuss at our meting I think.

Elinor Clarke said...

Midwifery educators are a busy bunch. I am sure that not all will be interested in or have time for second life. However current interest looks like:
UK 3
NZ 3
I am hoping to hear a cry of that's not right - there are loads more! Maybe midwives will use this blog to correct me and identify their interest. Looking forward to the midwifery educators meeting in SL on 2nd March in NZ. Hopefully we will be able to arrange a visit to the birthing room in CIPeL when I have managed to get the decorators out and the pool installed. Watch this space. Elinor

Sarah Stewart said...

Hi Elinor, why don't you make that last comment into a post-that might help to attract more midwives to the discussion about SL. cheers Sarah